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Do you have scrapbooks? Have you joined the latest trend? If you have started working on a scrapbook or if you haven't but would like to know more about it read on....



They’re worth a thousand words.

They’re the first possession you would save from fire.

They’re one of the few legacies you have to pass on.


Yet for all their importance, we shove them in drawers, abandon them to basements and attics, or worse, store them in albums that chemically destroy the very images they were meant to protect. Literally thousands of photo memories are being destroyed by lack of proper storage and they’re never taken out and enjoyed because "It’s such a mess" or "I can’t remember where I put those pictures."


I can show you how to turn those boxes of photos into beautiful keepsake albums that will be enjoyed for years to come!


I offer:

  • In-home educational classes for family and friends. You will learn techniques for organizing, cropping, layout, mounting and much more!
  • Ongoing workshops for your continuing education, motivation and to provide you with the space and time you need to complete your scrapbook albums!
  • A complete collection of photo-safe scrapbook albums, responsible mounting products, and easy to use creative album-making supplies!


For more information about

Products, or Scrapbooks in general contact:


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last updated 10/19/98 06:13:37 PM